Request for quotation 01/2020
Conducting the certification process of lighting products for the North American market.
Due to realization of the project under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, 3.3: Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises, 3.3.1: Polish Technological Bridges, Plantalux Sp. z o.o. invites Contractors to provide price offers for the subject of the Request for quotation.
Name and address of Contracting Authority
Plantalux Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Konopnica 162, post code 21-030 Konopnica, Poland REGON no. 364944526, VAT no. PL9462661551 registered by Sąd Rejonowy Lublin Wschód VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS no. 0000628224, share capital 36 250,00 PLN.
Mode of awarding a contract
Procedure meets requirements of „Guidelines for eligibility of expenditure under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund 2014-2020”. Contracting Authority is not a subject of Public Procurement Law. In order to avoid conflict of interests Contracting Authority can not be awarded to any related party both personally and capitally. Capital or personal ties are understood as the relationship between the Contracting Authority or persons authorized to incur liabilities on behalf of the Contracting Authority or persons performing on behalf of the Contracting Authority procedures related to the selection procedure of Contractor and Contractor, especially:
- participating in the company as a partner in a civil law partnership or partnership,
- owning at least 10% of shares or stocks if the lower threshold does not result from legal regulations or has not been defined by the MA in the program guidelines,
- acting as a member of a supervisory or management body, a proxy, attorney,
- marry, kinship or affinity in a straight line, second degree affinity or second degree affinity in a sideline or adoption, care or guardianship.
Requirements for the Contractor
The Contractor has to be listed on the list of authorized testing labs led by Nationally Recognised Testing Laboratory.
Deadline for delivery
Maximum 60 days from receiving Contractor’s offer.
Validity of the offer
Minimum 30 days from receiving Contractor’s offer.
Description of order
The subject of the Request for quotation is Conducting the certification process of lighting products for the North American market (CPV: 73210000-7 Research advisory services). Contractor duties are as follow:
- conducting a certification of following products:
- XX640W Full Spectrum,
- FX600W Full Spectrum,
- FX600W Strong Red.
- audit in the Contracting Authority’s headquarters.
Offer evaluation criteria
Offer price – the criterion is 100% of the maximum number of points that can be obtained in the Request for quotation procedure. The number of points in this criterion will be awarded according to the following formula:
Np = Pmin / P x 100 points,
- Np – number of points of offer price criterion,
- P – net offer price,
- Pmin – the lowers offer price received.
The offer with the highest final number of points will be considered the most advantageous.
How to take a part
The offer should be sent by e-mail to info@plantalux.pl, post, courier or personally to: Konopnica 162, post code 21-030 Konopnica, Poland. The complete offer must consist:
- Filled and signed offer form (template as attachment) or similar providing that it will comprise at least the same elements in the offer form,
- Filled and signed non-connection statement (as attachment),
- Contractor’s specification of the certification process of lighting products for the North American market.
E-mail address to send offer: info@plantalux.pl.
Contact person: Rafal Lachowski.
Mobile number of contact person: 0048533916289.
Information about winning offer will be published on website of the Contracting Authority.
Deadline for sending offer
Complete offer should be delivered to the Contracting Authority not later than 30st October 2020. If offer is to be delivered differently than by e-mail, the date of delivery is the date when the Contracting Authority physically received it in its headquarters.
Offers delivered after the deadline may not be considered.
The evaluation of the offers will take place in he headquarters of The Contracting Authority on 2nd November 2020.
- Offer template,
- Non-connection statement.
During the process of collecting offers only one was received. It was from Intertek Italia S.p.a on 13 900,00 EUR.