The above short video presents tests carried out on the cultivation of greenhouse cucumber. From left, cultivation under HPS, broad spectrum LED and narrow spectrum LED.

In the 2022/2023 season, we tested new LED luminaires with different spectral compositions and their impact on the cultivation of greenhouse cucumber. As every year, the tests were carried out in research facilities belonging to the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. We installed lighting in three autonomous chambers:

  • wide spectrum LED,
  • narrow spectrum LED and
  • HPS as control.

In each case, the lighting intensity was the same, so that the results were as reliable as possible and reflected cultivation in commercial conditions. The table below contains aggregate data from 30th November, 2022 to 26th February, 2023.

Lighting Number of fruits Difference Yield Difference
HPS 80 pcs/m2 17,74 kg/m2
Narrow spectrum LED 91 pcs/m2 13,75% 23,11 kg/m2 30,27%
Wide spectrum LED 96 pcs/m2 20,00% 24,37 kg/m2 37,37%

In each case, the difference is calculated in relation to cucumber cultivation under HPS lamps (control). The best results were obtained under LED lighting with a wide spectrum of emitted light.