Plantalux has signed partnership agreement with Union of Greenhouse of Kazakhstan. This is another step towards realization of the strategy aiming to increase the exposure in the region.
“Kazakhstan needs 3.000 ha high-tech greenhouses to saturate both the domestic market and export.” says Mr. Nurlan Adilkhan, President of Union of Greenhouses of Kazakhstan in the interview with HortiDaily. Read full text here.
Same direction is shared by The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality: “For ten years Kazakhstan increased greenhouse area by almost 20 times and reached 1.164 hectares by 2018. The volume of the greenhouse vegetables market amounted to 219 thousand tons. Next 3-4 years, about 40-50 hectares of greenhouses will be built in Kazakhstan.” Read full article here.
About the Union of Greenhouse of Kazakhstan

The Union was established in 2020 on the initiative of the heads of the largest greenhouse enterprises in Kazakhstan, with the aim of joint development of the greenhouse industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The main activity of the Union is to represent and protect interests of greenhouses in the executive and legislative authorities. Along with this, the Union provides assistance in finding and interacting with the world’s best industry experts, developers of complex greenhouse projects, suppliers of equipment and supplies, as well as provides legal, organizational, advisory and other support to its members.