Family Business Initiative Association (Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa Firm Rodzinnych) promotes family owned companies as promising business model and encourages them to incorporate company social responsibility in their strategies. What is more Family Business Initiative Association is the organizator of Micro Entrepreneur of the Year contest with it origins in 2005.
For 2018 edition 241 Polish companies applied and apart of main prize jury selected laureates in four categories:
- Start – BACTrem Sp. z o.o.
- Progress – Fundacja Łąka
- Young Business – Solace Sp. z o.o.
- Senior – Pracownia Cukiernicza „Zagoździński”
Main prize and title of Micro Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 was awarded to Plantalux! Diploma and statute were handed over to Plantalux founders Jakub Lachowski (Managing Director, CEO) and Rafal Lachowski (Business Development Director, CFO).
Ceremonial gala took place on 28th March at Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw and it was under honorary patronage of Ministry of Enterprise and Technology and partnership of Citi Handlowy (strategic partner), Kronenberg Foundation of Citi Handlowy (substantive partner) and was financed by Citi Foundation.